Information for GPs and healthcare professionals
Here to help
Clinic51 practices evidence-based medicine in line with NICE and The British Menopause Society guidance. Your patients can just book an appointment with us - there is no need for a referral letter. We believe all women should have access to great menopause care; we will always aim to work with you and limit expense to women, so we may ask you to do blood tests or organise investigations that are available on the NHS such as DEXA scans. We will initiate medication and do initial follow up but once a woman is stable, and if they wish, we would like to hand back care and prescribing to you.
We would be happy to come an do an educational talk at your practice or run a session for your patients. We are happy for you to email us for advice or with any clinical conundrums.
On this page we have pulled together the resources we use all the time, in one place for you. Please direct patients to our Further Reading & Resources page where we have done the same for them. There is so much information out there, but it can be hard to find the good stuff!
Dr Katie Armstrong & the Clinic51 team
Resources for Clinicians
Green Climacteric Scale
The adapted GCS that we use can be found here
NICE Menopause guidance NG23
Trusted Menopause Organisations and links to their clinical resources
The British Menopause Society (BMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK. Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.
Clinical guidance:
Patient facing arm-Women’s Health Concern
Education, peer support and resources run by primary care physicians for the whole primary care team
Clinical guidance:
Patient facing arm:
HRT and Testosterone
Dose equivalents our guide: Each transdermal product is absorbed differently by different women. These products should be prescribed by brand, and not interchanged if possible. Dose equivalents used only as a guide and clinical response must be monitored.
Clinical guidance:
Fantastic troubleshooting tips from the Chelsea and Westminster, including side effects and lack of response:
British Menopause Society: Testosterone replacement in menopause
Testosterone: the forgotten hormone with Professor Isaac Manyonda -
Top Tips on Testosterone Use for Women | Primary Care Women's Health Forum
Ensuring Adequate Endometrial Protection:
Breast Cancer
Family History:
Who should be referred: Familial Breast Cancer | Guidance from NICE
Online tool that helps patients and clinicians see how different treatments might improve survival rates for breast cancer: Predict Breast
Oestrogen Matters: Dr Avrum Bluming
- (Copy and paste the link into your browser window)
The DAISY Network:
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
Menopause Relief & Support with Stella
(There is a subscription cost)
Vulval Pain Society Videos
NHS Recommendations for Managing Vulval Pain
explores the difference between male and female desire and explains how only a little bit of female sexual desire is hormonal.
Founded by nurse Sam Evans - sex toys and proper advice on all things sexual: Jo Divine
BMS: Prevention and Treatments of Osteoporosis in Women
(Copy and paste the link into your browser)
(there is a subscription cost)
Cardiovascular Disease
This consensus statement covers the role of HRT in hypertension, lipids and primary prevention:
(Copy and paste into your browser)
CBT for Hot Flushes
Stella: Menopause Relief and Support
(there is a subscription cost)
HRT Alternatives
BMS Consensus Statement: Non Hormonal based treatments:
(Copy and paste into your browser window) -
Includes CBT for hot flushes, pelvic floor exercises
Menopause App With Personalised Support | Stella (
(There is a subscription cost)
Menopause Relief & Support with Stella
(there is a subscription cost)
Great info on the blog and sleep diary
Gut Health / Nutrition
Former Paeds doctor and qualified nutritionist. No nonsense great advice - great resources and podcast
Histamine Intolerance
Male Testosterone Deficiency
Menopause Training
You are welcome to come and sit in with us. Please contact