Clinic51 Recommends:
Practitioners & Products

Here are the Specialist Practitioners that we often signpost our patients to, along with the products that we often recommend.

Specialist Practitioners

Products we love and recommend….


Wild Nutrition

But you don’t need the whole range; we advise Magnesium, Vitamin D and Omega 3 (unless you already eat oily fish three times per week). We also stock some of the Wild Nutrition range at Black Barn.


Heights offer a combined multivitamin, zinc, and a probiotic. Usually only available by subscription, but we have some available at Black Barn if you would like to buy a month’s supply to try. The link above gives an additional 15% off your subscription order for Clinic51 patients.


Vulval Moisturisers / Emollients

We have formulated our own balm, made with all natural ingredients, which can be used daily to soothe and moisturise the delicate skin of the vulva, along with any other areas of dry or irritated skin. It can also be used before bathing or showering to protect delicate vulval skin from hard water. Available to buy at Clinic51, Black Barn.

Hydromol Emollient
Centraben Vulval Moisturiser / Emollient

Period Pants

Menstrual Cup

Mooncup Menstrual Cup