We are passionate about giving women the information they need to navigate the menopause successfully
Thankfully, there is now more information and advice about the menopause available - but navigating it can be difficult. What follows are our most used, trusted resources - those that we often point women towards during consultation, or afterwards.
The first section includes online resources, fact sheets, podcasts and apps that will give information on a whole range of menopause-related topics. Further below you’ll find a list of recommended books - click here to jump to the ‘Library’ section.
You may also find our Frequently Asked Questions section useful, which can be found here
Online resources & information
Symptom Checker
We ask all women to complete a Symptom Checker before their appointment with us.
NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) Guidance
Menopause Organisations you can Trust
The public facing arm of the British Menopause Society
The public facing arm of the Primary Care Women’s Health Foundation
Menopause Support
Menopause Relief & Support. A subscription app that provides online coaching which can include CBT for hot flushes, sleep, weight loss, pelvic floor exercises and more.
Menopause App With Personalised Support | Stella (onstella.com)
Subscription app. Midlife weight bearing exercise, pilates, nutrition, sleep and community support.
How to talk to your GP about the Menopause
Menopause Appointment Guide from Rock my Menopause
HRT Alternatives
Oestrogen Matters: Dr Avrum Bluming
Advice for Managing menopausal symptoms after cancer treatment: Macmillan Cancer Support
Breast Cancer : History & Risks
Venus Thromboembolism (Blood Clots on your legs or lungs)
Osteopenia & Osteoporosis
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
AKA Urinary Tract symptoms, prolapse, vulval & vaginal symptoms
Histamine Intolerance
Heavy Periods
Menopausal hair & skin
Former paediatric doctor and qualified nutritionist: no-nonsense advice, resources & podcast: Eat for Health
Examine.com Examine is a database of nutrition and supplement research. It uses the latest evidence to find out what diets and supplements work. It doesn't have any links to advertisers or the industry.
The British Menopause Society’s Fact Sheet on Exercise in Menopause
Explores the difference between male and female sexual desire, and explains how only a bit of female sexual desire is hormonal
The surprising truth about desire everyone needs to know -
Founded by nurse Sam Evans - sex toys and proper advice on all things sexual: Jo Divine

Our Menopause Library
Perimenopause, Menopause & Symptoms
Everything you need to know about the menopause - Kate Muir
An eye-opening, no-holds-barred guide to the perimenopause and menopause written by campaigner, journalist and documentary-maker Kate Muir.
Period Power - Maisie Hill
A brilliant explanation of how your normal cycle works and how hormones effect you through the month - every woman should know this!
Perimeno Power - Katarina Wilk
Explains the hormonal changes and resulting symptoms that can occur up to 15 years before your periods stop.
Menopause Manual - Dr Louise Newson
For those who grew up with Haynes manuals - now there is a concise version for women. The only book you really need.
Oestrogen Matters - Dr Arvum Bluming
A breast oncologist runs through the evidence about why taking hormones in menopause can improve women’s well being and length their lives without raising the risk of breast cancer
My Menopausal Vagina - Jane Lewis
One woman’s story about how vaginal soreness can ruin your life and what to do about it.
Mind The Gap - Dr Karen Gurney
Sex therapist Dr Karen Gurney’s first book explores the truth about women’s desire - a must read if you are struggling with your sex life.
Coping with Headaches & Migraine - Alison Frit
10 million people in the UK suffer with headaches - 2/3 of them women. This book tells you how to cope.
Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker
Explains the science behind why we sleep.
Invisible Women - Caroline Criado Perez
Exposing the shocking gender bias that effects our everyday lives.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrom - Dr Gerard Conway
Gerard Conway shares the medical information about polycystic ovary syndrome that was previously only available to doctors. Part self-help manual, part home reference, this book covers every thing from the historical background to PCOS to the current thinking about lifestyle and drug treatments.
Sweats, Frets, but. no regrets
A journey through the expected and unexpected symptoms of the peri and menopause with top tips to help you navigate this next phase of your life. A light hearted account of the changes the perimenopause and menopause will bring whilst sharing anecdotal and research based support to guide you.
Man Alive - Dr Jeff Foster
The ultimate guide to how to stay healthy as a man, both physically and mentally.
Managing your Migraine - Dr Katy Munro
Managing Your Migraine is the practical go-to guide for understanding and treating migraine.
Health, Diet & Wellbeing
The Obesity Code - Jason Fung
Real scientific evidence on how to lose weight.
Mindfulness at Work and Home - Gillian Higgins
Gillian Higgins is a practising war crimes barrister who turned to mindfulness to improve her ability to mange the challenges that a stressful career + parenting can bring.
The Full Diet - Dr Saira Hameed
Dr Saira Hameed is one of the UK's leading weight-loss doctors. She is a Consultant Endocrinologist at the NHS Imperial Weight Centre, an internationally renowned centre of excellence for weight management, and a Senior Tutor and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London.
Spoon Fed - Tim Spector
Spoon-Fed explores the scandalous lack of good science behind many diet plans, official recommendations and miracle cures, and encourages us to rethink our whole relationship with food - not just for our health as individuals, but for the future of the planet.
Glucose Revolution - Jessie Inchscape
Jessie (a.k.a. the Glucose Goddess) takes you on a fun and informative journey to understand how food affects your sugar spikes and your health. This practical guide is full of wonderful tips and hacks on how and what to eat; a must for anyone who wants to understand their body and improve their health.
The Midlife Kitchen - Mimi Spencer and Sam Rice
Health-boosting recipes for midlife and beyond. Midlife is not a time to be concerned with food fads and foibles, but rather a glorious opportunity to wrest back control of your eating in the interests of health, happiness and a long life.

“I just want to say how grateful I am to you for your expertise and walking through this journey with me. I am starting to feel like my old self and slowly, slowly my body is waking up out of a long deep slumber.”